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Leading Through Collaboration

Managing the complexities of coordination is, in a sense, the heart of management, or even more generally, the essence of organization. – Thomas W. Malone, The Future of Work: How the New Order of Business Will Shape Your Organization, Your Management Style, and Your Life

Today, organizations are becoming flatter, going global, and constantly reaching into new markets, new products, and new technologies. As a result, leaders are increasingly required to lead not just “down” in their business units, but also “across and out”—setting direction and promoting collaboration among their teams, with other work units, and with other organizations.

andré works with leaders to:
• Help them break down silos by creating a compelling reason for people to work together across functional and organisational boundaries
• Build more productive relationships with a wider network of resources within and outside the organization
• Gain support for cross-boundary initiatives and priorities
• Encourage and coach their people to collaborate across boundaries
• Improve their personal ability to lead beyond their positional authority


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