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andré collaborates with like minded people with shared values. Here are some examples of projects he has and continues to collaborate on:

Contacts Count LLC is a US based consulting company that specialises in building a Network Oriented Workplace. andré has been collaborating with this firm over the last 10 years in several capacities. In delivering their solutions to clients in Australia and India through his other companies. In researching and co-designing programs.In being a co-author in the book Strategic Connections – The New Face of Networking in a Collaborative World.

Results By Design® LLC located in Boston, USA builds individual, team, and organizational capability through learning design, coaching, organizational consulting, and facilitation services. andré collaborates with Results by Design to deliver workshops and provide consulting support for their clients located in Australia. They have been working together over the last six years.

Horse Sense for People. provides equine assisted leadership development by using horses to facilitate accelerated learning programs in areas of Authentic Leadership and Emotional Intelligence. andré has been collaborating with Horse Sense for People to bring innovative learning solutions such as these to organisations seeking a different approach to development.

The Art of Quiet Influence: Timeless Wisdom for Leading Without Authority is a book by author Jocelyn Davis. Jocelyn and andré were colleagues in Forum Corporation and he was interviewed for this book which was released in 2019.

Strategic Speed: Mobilize People, Accelerate Execution is a book in which andré was part of the research team supporting the authors. The book was commissioned by Harvard Business Review Press and released in 2010.

andré has been invited to deliver webinars and be interviewed on several occasions. Here are some examples:


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