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3 Rules to be a More Authentic Leader
Andre Alphonso • April 3, 2023

Late 70’s, Sydney Australia: I am a socially awkward 19-year-old working as junior administrator in a utilities company. In another department of this organisation I see a beautiful girl called Sandy. It is love at first sight…for me anyway. Days, then weeks and then months pass before my love for Sandy wins the inner battle over my crippling shyness and I get the courage to ask her out on a date.

With my heart jumping out of my chest, I do. And to my complete amazement, she agrees to go out with me on the coming Saturday evening. This instantly becomes the highest stakes situation of my life. I have to impress and surpass all expectations she may have of me so she will have no option but to fall madly in love with me, get married, have beautiful kids and live happily ever after in a mansion by the sea. You know the drill.

It all comes down to Saturday night.

I tell my good friend Gary about the upcoming date and he gives me a brilliant idea. “André borrow my dad’s red convertible Mercedes. He’s away for a few weeks. If you want to impress Sandy, what better way than to pick her up in the Merc?” “Brilliant!” I say, as I would do anything to impress Sandy.

Saturday evening at Sandy’s parents’ home: I find myself in a predicament early in proceedings. Her father opens the door to greet me and sees a shining red Mercedes Benz convertible in his driveway and stares at me with my gawky smile. “Is that your car?” he asks quite abruptly. Being a naïve 19 year this is not what I expect. How do I respond? Do I lie and say “Yes it is”, or do I show my hand as a complete fraud and fess up to the fact I have borrowed it from a mate to impress Sandy, and him? This was not how the evening was supposed to start.

What did I do? We will come to that later.

I guess I am no different to most other people who from an early age try and project themselves as something more than who and what they really are. We put on a mask to pretend to be someone or something else, usually to cover up our insecurities and weaknesses.

Masks People Wear
I am now older and wiser (arguably!) and I have come to observe that these masks we wear also appear in our corporate world. As a business leader, speaker, consultant and executive coach, I interact with people at many levels. I frequently come across the various masks each person wears, trying to portray an image of something they may not really be. Masks that show ‘aggression’ or ‘humour’ or ‘indifference’ or ‘tough nut’ or ‘sophistication’ among many others. We put these masks on to hide our weaknesses.

The proliferation of communication technology in today’s world challenges us to be real to others even more. We present only the ‘edited’ version of ourselves to others. As Sherry Turkle in her TedTalk said:

“Texting, email, posting, all of these things let us present the self as we want to be. We get to edit, and that means we get to delete, and that means we get to retouch, the face, the voice, the flesh, the body — not too little, not too much, just right.”

It makes it easier for us to look our best, in the most exotic places, saying the funniest or smartest thing while appearing to look spontaneous. As Brené Brown once asked: Who are you seeking approval from today? Do they deserve that honour? Sometimes we are more committed to living in the perceptions someone else has of us, than we are in living in the truth of ourselves.

Authenticity in Leadership
Ariel, the organisation I lead in Australia, we work with leaders and professionals on their Executive or Leadership Presence through our workshops and coaching. We describe Presence as “an ability to connect authentically with the hearts and minds of others, in order to motivate and inspire them toward a desired outcome.” Communicating in real time without the opportunity to edit.

Central to our notion of presence is authenticity. We help people realise that they have to first connect with themselves before they can demonstrate the power of their presence to others.

Substance before sizzle.
We have identified the three rules of authenticity:

One of the biggest lessons I have learnt in becoming a student of Presence over the last few years, is to acknowledge my shortcomings and while trying to work to improve them, I also accept them and work with and around them.

My advice to my coaching clients is to not try and cover up mistakes, instead draw out key learnings from mistakes they may have made. And while always trying to grow, don’t try to be someone or something they are fundamentally not.

We find in our workshops how inspiring it is to hear individuals talk about difficult passages in their lives and what they had learned from them. They don’t hide it, they reveal it. They see such situations not as failures but as opportunities for learning. Our advice is to shift your thinking about an experience from “It was terrible” to “What did I learn from this?” Don’t cover up mistakes from your past, put it on the table and draw out your learning. You may be surprised how it will inspire others.

Authenticity Rule #2: LIVE YOUR VALUES.
My father gave me an invaluable piece of advice twenty years ago, just before he died. He said “son if you don’t know what you stand for, then you will fall for anything”. It has been a long journey to see the truth of his words.

If you truly desire to amplify your Presence, then you need to connect with yourself – really connect – before connecting with others. That means being able to articulate your ‘guiding compass’ aka your values. Not somebody else’s, but your own.

You then want to find ways to make your values visible to others. For example, if you value forthrightness, then you may want to create a quarterly meeting where people can speak their minds candidly. If you value creativity, you could institute open brainstorming sessions at the start of every project.

The penalty for incongruence between espoused and lived values is being branded a hypocrite.

Ask others if they perceive you as someone who lives your values and if they are visible in your actions. You can also demonstrate your willingness to be vulnerable by asking people to call you out whenever your actions don’t reflect your values.

When a leader has an authentic connection with work, the work becomes more than a way to pay the mortgage or meet quarterly targets. They focus on something bigger than themselves and their own self-interests – they create significance in their work.

They say that people work for three things:
• Money
• A good leader
• A cause
A good leader motivates more than money does. And a cause motivates more than a good leader. Find your cause – the significance – in the work you and your team do, and enroll your people in that cause. In Ariel Australia, our cause is to create better human workplaces. We do this by helping those we work with to connect with themselves and with others in ways they haven’t done before. It inspires me and it inspires our team and connects us with our work in developing Presence.

Don’t Fake It
The bottom line is to be authentic because it is unlikely you are fooling anyone. Neuroscience research is now scientifically proving that human beings have an uncanny ability to identify incongruence no matter how well we try and mask it. Our brains are unconsciously counting the blink rate in another person’s eyes and registering the tiniest head movement all the time. These and many other barely noticeable signals are being registered in our brain and forming an impression that tell people you are faking it. If you think you are covering it up, you are only fooling yourself. Most people can pick a fake without trying too hard.

I think the biggest lesson I have learnt is if I want to show up in this world as the best version of me, then I must draw from the well that is me – my authentic self. Continuing to remove those masks I have put on has been surprisingly liberating. It has broken those chains that have held me back.

Finally back to Sandy’s dad when he asked me if the Mercedes Benz was mine. I was amazed by my own response, as a naive 19 year old I didn’t expect to say what I did. What I said was “Yes it is sir… just for tonight… and just for your daughter” – one of the coolest responses I think I have ever made!

Sadly for me, I was not Sandy’s soul mate and the relationship didn’t last beyond the first date.

Perhaps all she saw was the mask and not me.

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By Andre Alphonso April 3, 2023
The leadership attributes of the likes of Steve Jobs, Arianna Huffington, Sir Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos and numerous other famous business people have been sliced and diced, dissected and analysed innumerable times. While we all aspire to be like some of the greats, what can we learn from the everyday leader – these unknowns that don’t attract the attention of celebrity – who are making a significant difference in the lives of people who work for them? Let me share a personal story that happened a few years ago while travelling through India and has remained on my mind ever since. Summer 2017. Ambience Mall, Gurgaon, India. A normal Saturday afternoon. My wife and I walk into a well-known retail clothing chain store. She is looking for an unusual t-shirt. One of the shop assistants sees us and approaches us as most shop assistants are programmed to do. He holds up a sign which is hanging on a lanyard around his neck, which indicates his name is Piyush and that he is deaf. He signals with his fingers that he can lip read. “This is most unusual” I think to myself as I have not experienced this in countless retail experiences. My wife says she is looking for a t-shirt, Piyush lip reads her message correctly and he walks her over to a rack of t-shirts and she selects a few to try on. She asks him where the change room is, and he shows her where. She proceeds to try on the t-shirts. As I wait for her to come out I observe something unusual. The manager of the store, who has just finished speaking to someone on the phone, starts conversing with Piyush. He is conversing in sign language and this goes on for a few minutes. They are obviously sharing something humorous as they are both laughing. The store manager is totally engrossed in the interaction. I am struck by the authenticity and goodwill that is present in this moment. The banter is broken by my wife who comes out of the change room wearing the first t-shirt. Piyush gives her the “thumbs-up” sign and asks my opinion, “looks great” I say and she goes back to try on another. I observe the store manager who is now behind the cash register looking through some dockets. I walk up to him and we have the following exchange: Me: “I noticed that you were using sign language with your colleague.” Store Manager: “Yes sir. I was trying to sign. I am still learning.” Me: “How are you learning?” Store Manager: “I found a course through Google and I do some study and practice every evening after work.” Me: “Wow! That seems like quite an investment on your part.” Store Manager: “Well I’m learning something new.” Me: “So why do this? If Piyush can lip read, would you be able to get by without signing?” Store Manager: “Yes. We can get by and we have. But sir I want us to be able to have a two-way communication with him, not just one-way, from me to him. He is a smart guy and I want to hear his ideas and his opinions on how we can make things better in this store. I’m his manager so I also want to understand how he is doing and how I am doing as his manager.” I ask his name and he tells me it is Manick. I walk away as my wife has come out with another t-shirt on, I give the second t-shirt a thumbs up and she goes back in to try on a third. As I wait, I reflect on the interaction I have just had with Manick. I continue to observe him as he goes about his work. He offers a job to an applicant who has come into the store and embraces her emotionally, not physically, as he welcomes her to the company and agrees a starting date. She is thrilled beyond words and genuinely excited. I observe him taking in everything that is going on in the store, jumping in to support his team when they are busy. I am most impressed with this guy as there is definitely an X-factor about him. In my experience with retail chains, shop assistants are generally not treated with the respect they deserve. Store managers generally don’t care about the opinions of shop assistants, nor care about how they may be doing as their manager. It is very obvious to me that Piyush enjoys working for Manick. From everything I can observe in the 15 minutes in the store, he is fully engaged as an employee and completely connected with his manager. Manick is different and I can see, hear, and feel that this X factor is his leadership and personal presence. Deconstructing Presence In our work in Ariel Group , the company I lead in Australia, we have been working with leaders and professionals for over twenty five years to help them build their leadership and personal presence. We know from our experience with hundreds of thousands of leaders and professionals that presence is something that can be developed. Our purpose is to help leaders and professionals amplify their presence and show up as their very best selves. We deconstruct presence into four critical leadership skills which we call the PRES Model: Being Present: The ability to be completely in the moment, undistracted by anything past or future, sharp as a razor, and flexible enough to handle the unexpected. Reaching Out: The ability to build relationships with others through empathy, listening and authentic connection. Expressiveness: The ability to express feelings and emotions and energy appropriately by using all available means – words/voice/face/body – to deliver one congruent message. Self-Knowing: The ability to accept yourself, to be authentic, and to reflect your values in your decisions and actions. Applying Presence to Leadership So in that moment of reflection about Manick and his presence as a leader, he ticks every one of these boxes. As an everyday leader I observe him: • being Present – not pretentious • Reaching Out – not looking down • being Expressive – not trying to be impressive • being Self-Knowing – not self-absorbed I have no doubt that with the right guidance, this young leader is destined to become someone significant affecting the lives of many. He can go far in his business and personal life if he chooses to do so.  My wife comes out of the change rooms and she buys a couple of the t-shirts. I thank Manick and Piyush and ask their permission to take their picture on my smartphone. They are curious. I explain that I am a leadership consultant and constantly looking out for examples of leadership in action. Manick signs something to Piyush. They both seem chuffed at the idea. They smile and agree. So here is their story on that Saturday afternoon and in the photograph above, Piyush is on the left and Manick on the right.
By Andre Alphonso April 3, 2023
“That is really impressive,” I say to a senior leader of a multinational technology services company as I remark on the floor-to-ceiling posters in the boardroom in which we are meeting. The posters are made up of striking images captioned with words like “Respect” and “Teamwork” and “Customer First” and a couple of others I can no longer recall. “Yes,” he replies “we commissioned an agency to produce the artwork of our company values. And it wasn’t cheap!” “Well, you certainly cannot ignore them,” I say. The senior manager who I have known for many years leans over and confesses “I wish I could say the same for the people of this company who ignore them with regular monotony”. He adds “Two years ago we went offsite for a couple of days and came up with our values as part of a strategic planning offsite. Ha! The good old days when times weren’t as tough as they are today. With the squeeze from our investors to ramp up profitability in an ultra-competitive market today, well, let’s just say those values are no longer front and centre. I am not sure how much meaning they really carry.” I found myself quite disturbed by the conversation as it brought up deep seeded emotions buried in me. I had travelled a similar path. How managers lose credibility Some years before when I was leading a team, we had gone offsite to define our strategy and values. When it came to selecting our top values it was unanimous that “Integrity” be one of our top five. We had the five values put on signs around the office. Some months later I discovered that one of my senior consultants was ‘moonlighting’ on company time. i.e., this person was doing paid work for a private client while they were on paid sick leave. This consultant was one of our top performers at the time and was bringing in more business than anyone else. I was angry beyond words and went to my boss with the request to dismiss this person. Clearly, they had violated our stated value of “Integrity” and it was clear to me that they needed to go. Or at the very minimum be placed on a final warning. My boss, a very bottom line focused businessman said to me “Business isn’t great and you want to fire one of our best revenue generators? What’s wrong with you?” Suddenly the perception of inadequate performance shifted from the moonlighting consultant to me. I was told not to raise the matter with this person as it may “destabilise” the revenue they were bringing in. The conversation distressed me greatly. What tormented me afterwards was that I just folded. At that stage in my career, I didn’t have the skills or the self-belief to stand up to and influence my boss as I needed to. I allowed something like integrity that was important to me, to be sidelined. How did this sad story end? I will share it later. I guess many of us reading this are familiar with scenarios such as this. Aspirational values are created in good times, but when times turn difficult, they are put aside. How employees become cynical How often have we seen frugality become more important than customer satisfaction or employee engagement? How many times have we seen pressure on the bottom line compromise quality standards? How would you feel witnessing command and control leadership replace the aspiration of empowerment? The result is increased levels of cynicism by employees. And for leaders who fold in such times as I had done, well they have started down the slippery slope of losing both the hearts and minds of their people. In those organisations where the treatment of publicised values don’t reflect reality, it becomes a breeding ground for cynicism and toxicity. Inspiring employees & building confidence There are champions demonstrating how it should be done. I read that Jeff Bezos of Amazon is known for his obsession with customers. He is quoted as saying “Start with the customer and work backward.” Bezos instigated a process in his management meetings in Amazon, that an extra chair is placed around the board table to represent the customer. When making decisions, they ask how the decision may impact the customer. Apparently, this practice is used extensively down the Amazon organisation. It may sound cheesy for outsiders, but I have heard that people inside Amazon say it really works. It reflects one of their values in action in a very visible way. Amazon is held up as the poster child for exceptional leadership. So whose job is it to ensure that the values are real and meaningful? If you are a leader at any level in your organisation reading this, then the answer is “it’s yours”. It needs to be reflected in your leadership behaviours. It is one of the few elements of your role that cannot be delegated. 3 Ways to create inspiring company values Here are three tips on how you can make values a source of inspiration rather than cynicism. As you prepare your agenda for your meetings, look for ways to integrate the values into the discussions and do it. People require evidence that you as a leader believe in the values. They need evidence that decisions are made explicitly around the core values. Highlight such instances. Evidence to back up the values removes cynicism. Ask people to share stories of how one or more values are being used by them and others across the business. First, stories are memorable. Second, it provides social proof – the reassurance that someone gets from others when they are unsure of the correct way to behave. Most of all you as a leader needs to project the leadership presence to show up with authenticity and transparency to your team around your organisation’s values. You require courage and self-belief to not fold as I did as a young leader. Leaders must learn how to show up as the very best version of themselves. I have witnessed such leaders go a long way to winning the hearts and minds of their people.  PostScript So what happened to that senior consultant who got away with moonlighting? In the proceeding months, his behaviour just deteriorated and he increasingly snubbed me and the company – the lack of action contributed to making the team climate toxic. Finally I found the courage to stand up for doing what is right, not what is palatable. I dismissed the moonlighter. The result? Trust in me as their leader increased. The team climate got remarkably better. Collaboration increased. People started referring their friends to join our team. Living our values was more than creative graphics on a poster. A lesson learned.
By Andre Alphonso April 3, 2023
I have made some big mistakes in my career when I started new management jobs. Not only did I blow my own personal credibility and results, but also rattled the cage of all those working with me in not so good ways. As Persian poet and scholar, Rumi, said in the 13th century, “the wound is where the light enters you”. Sage words. Our best learning comes through the agony of mistakes. I have learnt much from such experiences and now my executive coaching work is around supporting leaders transitioning into new roles and putting them on a trajectory for success. Here are just some of the mistakes not to make: 1. Assuming it’s all about me: It’s not. When you take up a new role you are excited and engaged and hopeful – that’s normal. And here you are in your new bright and shiny outfit you purchased for your first meeting with your boss and the first meeting with your team. Here’s the mistake I have made. Failing to recognise we are entering an existing orbit of established relationships and systems. This includes your boss, your direct reports, your colleagues in different parts of the organisation that you engage with, your external suppliers, your customers. We deemphasize or fail to map out all those individuals who have a stake in your success. After all, it’s more than your boss and your direct reports that will set you up for success. • Tip : In my coaching I get the new leader to build a stakeholder map of all those stakeholders inside and outside of their immediate team. Identify who they are; the level of influence they have in your success or failure; their level of interest in you; if you know them, assess the quality of the relationship with you (a problematic relationship that needs to be repaired or a strong relationship that needs to be enriched); and also the connection gaps – those new connections you need to make. Out of this drops a common sense action plan. 2. Not reading the tea leaves: As well as entering a world of new relationships you are in a new orbit of existing systems. Not just the formal way of doing things, but also the informal ways, i.e., the non-standard operating procedures and unwritten ground rules that have been in place but rarely articulated. Transitions mean change and change means learning. In transitions, it is often what the leader does not know and needs to learn about, that causes avoidable problems and ultimate failure. • Tip : Remain curious for longer than what you word normally do. In our busy world we tend to rush toward judgment. Curiosity and judgment don’t make good bedfellows. You will eventually get to judgment, but stay in curiosity for a bit longer. Take time to ask “What don’t I know about this situation and how things get done?” and then reflect, gather information, and learn. (Note: Some of the informal ways and unwritten ground rules may be dysfunctional and need to change. The point here is first to understand them and not be blindsided by them through lack of awareness. 3. Running instead of walking: In our busy world, there is a premium placed on getting results and getting them quickly. Because of this, we tend to overemphasize action (and a lot of it) and results. We under-emphasize careful planning, alignment, and course correction. In our honeymoon period a “fire – ready – aim” approach is going to send warning signals and alienate stakeholders. • Tip: The key is not to wait to act, but rather to focus on doing the right things, such as identifying critical long-term priorities based on the most critical business needs. Make sure you keep your boss involved in these discussions. Alongside this, leaders need to orchestrate some “quick wins” in the first couple of months of starting. These “quick wins” must be seen to be of value to the organisation. Something that is easy to do without substantive resources. And something which is collective in which everyone in the team contributes towards. 4. Assuming what got you here will now take you there. When we start new roles we come in with a mindset of “I’m good at what I do and someone saw something in me, that’s why I got this gig”. It’s natural. In this lies a hidden trap. That is, we rely too heavily on the past and our natural tendency to emphasize our strengths and experience of how we did things in the past; but it often only worked because of the particular situation and context. • Tip: Invest time to understand the similarities and differences between new and old situations and contexts. Then identify your strengths, their benefits and the danger of over applying them. Go beyond the “usual suspects” to find individuals with relevant experience, what they did, and more importantly, any mistakes they made. Great insights await here for you. 5. Getting captured by the fallen. An organisational system based on position and authority is a political system. As a new leader you will attract the attention by many people who have an opinion on what worked previously, what didn’t, what was good and not so good. Often the most vocal are the disenfranchised – the squeaky wheel. In your enthusiasm to build new relationships you can sometimes allow your mindset to be captured by this overly negative and overly judgmental group. More often than not, this will take you down alleyways that won’t serve you or your team. • Tip: Be vigilant that people may be sharing only their own perspective on an issue, or that they are hoping to promote their own agenda while you are in a highly receptive mode. Validate with other sources if what information and perspectives being fed to you are real and their relative importance in the scheme of things.  These are just some of the common mistakes we make when we kickoff in a new role. There are others. But here’s the rub. If you are new in your role reading this, or about to embark on a new role, the odds of your success are really the toss of a coin. According to research by George Bradt, Jayme Check, and Jorge Pedraza, in The New Leader’s 100-Day Action Plan, fifty percent of transitioning managers fail within the first 18 months. Yes 50% – it’s not a typo. We can beat these odds by avoiding common mistakes and being intentional on how to set up a trajectory of success in the first three months. That is why kicking off in a new role is so critical. After the first three months, your operating rhythm is set and you are already on a trajectory of success or failure.
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